Covering All The Compute Bases In A Heterogeneous Datacenter
Intel has spent more than three decades evolving from the dominant provider of CPUs for personal computers to the dominant supplier of processors for servers in the datacenter. …
Intel has spent more than three decades evolving from the dominant provider of CPUs for personal computers to the dominant supplier of processors for servers in the datacenter. …
Intel is gearing up the FPGA user base it inherited from Altera for the release of Stratix 10 hardware and companion application acceleration stack. …
There has been much written about the potential for FPGAs to take a leadership role in accelerating deep learning but in practice, the hurdles of getting from concept to high performance hardware design are still taller than many AI shops are willing to scale, particularly when GPUs dominate in training and in a pinch, standard CPUs will do just fine for datacenter inference since they involve little developer overhead. …
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