No Slowdown At TSMC, Thanks To The AI Gold Rush
With a near monopoly on advanced chip manufacturing and packaging, it is no wonder that during the AI boom that the world’s largest foundry is not only making money. …
With a near monopoly on advanced chip manufacturing and packaging, it is no wonder that during the AI boom that the world’s largest foundry is not only making money. …
The AI boom is going sonic, and it looks like we had all better cover our ears if we want to be able to hear by the end of the holiday season if the prognostications of the box counters at IDC are correct. …
Effects are multiplicative, not additive, when it comes to increasing compute engine performance. …
A rising tide may lift all boats, and that is a good thing these days with any company that has an AI oar in the water. …
It is beginning to look like the Dell Technologies and Hewlett Packard Enterprose, the world’s two biggest original equipment manufacturers, are finally going to start benefitting from the generative AI wave, mainly because they are finally getting enough allocations of GPUs from Nvidia and AMD that they can start addressing the needs of customers who don’t happen to be among the hyperscalers and largest cloud builders. …
Here’s a fun question and don’t cheat by asking ChatGPT. What is more valuable, an ounce of gold or an ounce of an Nvidia “Hopper” H100 GPU accelerator? …
Like many of you, we are trying to find out what the heck is really going on in the global economy. …
What good is a floating point operation embodied in a vector or matrix unit if you can’t get data into fast enough to actually use the compute engine to process it in some fashion in a clock cycle? …
If you want to figure out what is going on with spending on the corporate datacenters of the world, a good place to start is to examine the financial results of Hewlett Packard Enterprise and Dell Technologies, which are still the two largest original equipment makers for servers in the world. …
Here is a question for you: If hypervisors are going to eventually be offloaded to a DPU attached to the server node by a PCI-Express link, is the server considered bare metal or virtualized? …
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