Dell’s AI Server Business Now Bigger Than VMware Used To Be
We have been watching the big original equipment manufactures like a hawk to see how they are generating revenues and income from GPU-accelerated system sales. …
We have been watching the big original equipment manufactures like a hawk to see how they are generating revenues and income from GPU-accelerated system sales. …
A rising tide may lift all boats, and that is a good thing these days with any company that has an AI oar in the water. …
We have been tracking the financial results for the big players in the datacenter that are public companies for three and a half decades, but starting last year we started dicing and slicing the numbers for the largest IT suppliers for stuff that goes into datacenters so we can give you a better sense what is and what is not happening out there. …
It is beginning to look like the Dell Technologies and Hewlett Packard Enterprose, the world’s two biggest original equipment manufacturers, are finally going to start benefitting from the generative AI wave, mainly because they are finally getting enough allocations of GPUs from Nvidia and AMD that they can start addressing the needs of customers who don’t happen to be among the hyperscalers and largest cloud builders. …
It is hard to keep a model of datacenter infrastructure spending in your head at the same time you want to look at trends in cloud and on-premises spending as well as keep score among the key IT suppliers to figure out who is winning and who is losing. …
Transitions in the datacenter take time.
It took Unix servers a decade, from 1985 through 1995, to supplant proprietary minicomputers and a lot of mainframe capacity that would have otherwise been bought. …
The central banks of the world, led by the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve, want to curb inflation and they are willing to cause a small recession or at least get very close to one to shock us all into controlling the acquisitive habits we developed during the lockdowns of the early years of the coronavirus pandemic. …
Something that we have been waiting for a decade and a half to see has just happened: The datacenter is now the biggest business at Nvidia. …
The datacenter server has been the center of gravity for compute for decades. …
There is nothing wrong with buying a compute, storage, or networking appliance where the ASICs and software both come from the same supplier. …
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