Weathering Heights: Of Resolutions And Ensembles
In the past year or so, watching supercomputer maker Cray, which is now part of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, has been a bit like playing a country and western song backwards on the record player. …
In the past year or so, watching supercomputer maker Cray, which is now part of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, has been a bit like playing a country and western song backwards on the record player. …
AMD has picked up yet another big supercomputer win with the selection of its second-generation Epyc processors, aka Rome, as the compute engine for the ARCHER2 system to be installed at the University of Edinburgh next year. …
Last fall, supercomputer maker Cray announced that it was getting back to making high performance cluster interconnects after a six year hiatus, but the company had already been working on its “Rosetta” switch ASIC for the Slingshot interconnect for quite a while before it started talking publicly about it. …
After a long wait, now we know. All three of the initial exascale-class supercomputer systems being funded by the US Department of Energy through its CORAL-2 procurement are going to be built by Cray, with that venerable maker of supercomputers being the prime contractor on two of them. …
When Oak Ridge National Laboratory installs its 1.5 exaflops Frontier supercomputer in a couple of years, it’s likely to be the most powerful system in the US, if not the world. …
As expected, Intel will be the prime contractor for the first exascale supercomputer in the United States, which Argonne National Laboratory expects to be operational and capable of sustained exaflops performance by the end of 2021. …
If you look at the very long history of Cray, the company has done a remarkable job expanding its market, not just participating in it. …
The HPC market is opening up in a lot of different ways these days, and Cray is right smack dab in the middle of all of this change, embracing it. …
While processors and now GPUs tend to get all of the glory when it comes to high performance computing, for the past three decades as distributed computing architectures became the norm in supercomputing, it has been the interconnects that made all the difference in how well – or poorly – these systems perform. …
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